South Fork Roaring River


The South Fork of the Roaring River is located in the Cascade Mountain Range in northwest Oregon. Its headwaters originate in the Rock Lakes Basin of the Roaring River Wilderness while its designation ends at its confluence with the Roaring River.

The river flows through a narrow, deeply incised canyon, which has large rock outcroppings and cliffs along portions of the canyon. The drainage is characterized by a variety of stream complexes including large log jams present in the upper river, large and small landslides, and small waterfalls alternating with large pools.

Old-growth trees are predominant along the river, and the river itself flows over numerous cascades and through several pools. The corridor provides prime quality habitat for northern spotted owl, and owls are known to nest there. With almost no development within and around the corridor, habitat quality is considered excellent.

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Designated Reach

March 30, 2009. From its headwaters to its confluence with Roaring River.

Outstandingly Remarkable Values


Cold-water corydalis is a beautiful wildflower species with deep, fleshy roots giving rise to thick, hollow stems and flowers in hues ranging from pale to deeply pink. The outstanding habitat for a unique species of cold water corydalis in the river corridor is unique feature of region. Cold water corydalis grows along streams of many sizes, from headwater seeps to large rivers. It is also typically found within dense western hemlock canopies or with Pacific silver fir and Sitka alder canopies.

Managing Partners And Contacts


Wild — 4.6 miles; Total — 4.6 miles.
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