(*For some rivers, Congress has directed the river-administering agency in Section 3(b) to determine which classes “best fit the river or its various segments.”  These administratively segmented rivers should reflect on-the-ground circumstances and, therefore, are unlikely to require subsequent amendment.)

Yes. In a very few cases, the legislation designating a river erroneously describes a segment division and needs to be amended to fit on-the-ground circumstances. For example, the designating language for the Upper Rogue Wild & Scenic River...

The communities of interest are key players in the development of a CRMP. They help with data collection and establishing baseline conditions, identifying issues and opportunities to be addressed in the planning process and, increasingly, in monitoring and implementation of aspects of the CRMP. Sections 10(e) and 11(b)(1) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act anticipate the participation of federal, state or local governments, landowners, private organizations and/or individuals in planning, protecting and administering wild and scenic rivers.

No restrictions to private lands may be applied under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. Comprehensive river management plans may establish goals for new construction consistent with classification. There is a wide range of uses compatible with these classifications so long as the overall values and character of the river corridor is maintained. Any effect on private lands would be through state or local zoning. Federal acquisition of lands or development rights would require landowner compensation.

Maintenance of roads generally would not be affected. In consultation with landowners involved through coordinated management planning, every effort would be made to eliminate or reduce adverse impacts from any proposals for road improvement, realignment and/or new construction. If a proposed new road would have a negative impact on river values, the administering agency will work with the landowner(s) to mitigate the proposal. Should mitigation and/or consultation fail to reduce adverse impacts to an acceptable level, the administering agency could negotiate with the landowner to purchase...

Section 8(a) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act withdraws public (federal) lands within the authorized boundary of a designated component from entry, sale, or other disposition under the public land laws of the United States.

Rivers included in the National Wild & Scenic Rivers System by act of Congress (under Section 3(a) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act) are administered by one of four federal agencies: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and/or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS) as specified in the legislation. Rivers included in the National Wild & Scenic Rivers System at the request of a governor and designated by the Secretary of the Interior (under Section 2(a)(ii) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act) are administered by the respective...

No. The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act specifically prohibits the federal government from expending funds on Section 2(a)(ii) rivers, except to manage federal lands or to provide technical assistance to local managers.

The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act requires that detailed boundaries portrayed on maps be established and submitted to Congress within one year of designation. Agencies may finalize boundaries through their respective land management planning process.

Pending the establishment of detailed river boundaries, the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act specifies that the interim boundary is one-quarter mile on each side of the river as measured from the ordinary high water mark.

Section 3(b) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act states:

The agency charged with the...

It is important to develop and apply standardized criteria through a documented evaluation process that may include a screening for potential wild and scenic rivers. If there doubt, evaluate the river according to the criteria in the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, i.e., free-flowing condition and outstandingly remarkable values.

A Section 5(d)(1) study river is protected to the extent of each study agency’s authority and not by the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. Each agency’s policy is to protect eligible rivers and rivers determined suitable for designation for the life of the respective agency land use plan. A river determined not suitable for designation need no longer be protected as a potential addition to the National Wild & Scenic Rivers System once the study, with its related decision document, is completed.

Yes, a federal reserved water right is generally adjudicated in state court (e.g., basin-wide adjudication) in the western United States. It is less clear how federal reserved water rights are adjudicated in the eastern United States. Contact a staff expert and/or legal counsel when trying to protect water quantity.


Water law is a complex legal area, and water rights are a highly contentious issue. Whenever a water allocation issue arises, a river manager should consult with staff with water rights expertise and, as necessary, seek legal counsel....

Wild and scenic river designations generally cause property values to remain stable or increase. For example, see Economic Benefits of Conserved Rivers: An Annotated Bibliography (Porter, B., Collier, S., Becerra, N., and Schultz, J. 2001. National Park Service – Rivers and Trails Conservation and Assistance Program, Washington, DC. 27pp.).

Section 4(a) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act and the Interagency Guidelines describe and discuss content requirements, specific topics to be addressed, and the way in which information should be presented in such a study report. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process can, and is, readily merged with the requirements of the wild and scenic river study report. A wild and scenic river study report resulting from a decision in a land management plan usually summarizes and incorporates relevant information from the plan and associated NEPA document. For example, the location...

Once such a river has been found eligible, the federal study agency should, to the extent it is authorized under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act and subject to valid existing rights, ensure the river and the surrounding area are protected as a potential wild and scenic river pending a suitability determination.

As of June 2022, some 226 river segments comprising 13,417 miles have been afforded protection in the National System.  These nationally recognized rivers comprise some of the nation’s greatest diversity of recreational, natural, and cultural resources, offering great scientific value and scenic beauty.  By comparison, more than 75,000 large dams across the country have modified at least 600,000 miles, or about 17% of America’s rivers (possibly more than 20% – figures are best estimates).

Timber management activities on non-federal lands within wild and scenic river corridors are guided by state and local authorities. Under the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, the only way the federal government can restrict private timber management is through purchase of timber rights (in easement or fee title). The river manager may provide technical assistance and/or work with state/local governments to protect river values.

Yes. Fishing and hunting are regulated under state laws. Where hunting and fishing were allowed prior to designation, they may continue. The river-administering Secretary may, however, designate no hunting zones or periods in which no hunting is allowed for public safety or other reasons. The Secretary must issue such regulation in consultation with the wildlife agency of the state(s).

Agency officials are required to coordinate when their responsibilities relevant to wild and scenic rivers overlap.  Officials should determine the level of study to be conducted, who will lead the study, and, to the extent necessary and feasible, prepare a joint document for submission to Congress or congressional delegations.

Prior to completion of the CRMP, proposed projects and new decisions (e.g., issuance of a special-use permit) on federal lands are evaluated by the wild and scenic river-administering agency to ensure they protect and, to the extent possible, enhance river values (free-flowing condition, water quality and outstandingly remarkable values). The necessary evaluation framework is a detailed description of the existing conditions of these values at the time of designation. Absent this information it may not be possible to evaluate the effects of an activity relative to the non-degradation and...

The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act states that rivers designated under Section 2(a)(ii) “shall be administered by the State or political subdivision thereof without expense to the United States other than for administration and management of federally owned lands.” The state is responsible for providing protection, except on federally administered lands and with respect to Section 7(a) determinations and securing a federal reserved water right under Section 13(c), both of which are made by a federal agency. The National Park Service provides ongoing technical assistance and partnership...

Regardless of the study agency’s eligibility and suitability findings, a Section 5(a) study river is protected by the conditions and restrictions specified in Sections 7(b), 8(b), 9(b), and 12(a) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act during the period of the study, plus up to three years after the required report is submitted to Congress. In other words, these protections are independent of the recommendation of the study, allowing for Congressional consideration.

Yes, the federal government may seek to control use on adjacent lands under very limited circumstances. The Constitution gives the federal government certain limited powers to control uses on state-owned lands that affect adjacent federal property. These powers may be exercised through the Property Clause, which provides that, “Congress shall have the power to make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or the property belonging to the United States.”

The federal government may also regulate use and/or activities occurring on the surface waters...

Once such a river has been found eligible, the federal study agency should, to the extent it is authorized under various laws and subject to valid existing rights, ensure the river and the surrounding area are protected as a potential wild and scenic river pending a suitability determination.

The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act expressly prohibits the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) from licensing the construction of a hydroelectric project or project works (e.g., facilities such as the powerhouse, access roads, transmission lines) under Part 1 of the Federal Power Act “on or directly affecting” a designated wild and scenic river. However, on the few rivers with a FERC-licensed hydroelectric project/project works within the river’s boundaries at the time of designation, existing operations may continue.

Relicensing of existing FERC-licensed hydroelectric...

There are no known studies comparing river use levels before and after wild and scenic river designation with changes in use levels of similar non-wild and scenic rivers. Factors other than wild and scenic river designation (i.e., river and water attributes, access to the river, and availability of facilities and commercial services) are considered to be the major influences on river use levels. For wild and scenic rivers, as for other rivers managed by federal agencies, the implementation of permit systems or other limits of use are typically undertaken when use exceeds an acceptable...

Amending the lateral boundary of a designated river requires analysis and decision under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The environmental analysis process need not be complicated and may only require the proposed action and a no-action alternative. Amendment of a wild and scenic river boundary may also be timed with revision of the comprehensive river management plan and related decision under the NEPA. In either case, notice of the amended boundary should be published in the Federal Register and the legal description and maps forwarded to Congress and made...

Timber management activities on federal lands outside the corridor are managed to protect and enhance the values that caused the river to be designated. Measures needed to protect and enhance the river’s values are developed through the river planning process and include management direction as necessary for lands adjacent to the corridor.

Many individuals and communities support designation to help focus management efforts on protecting and enhancing river values. The intent of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act is to build partnerships among landowners, river users, tribal nations and all levels of governments in developing goals for river protection. Designation provides strong protection against construction of new dams and projects that alter the free-flowing condition, water quality, and outstandingly remarkable values for which the river was designated.

Yes.  The Nationwide Rivers Inventory lists potentially eligible rivers.  Federal agencies should make an eligibility determination for rivers on the Nationwide Rivers Inventory.

Yes.  There are three classifications (wild, scenic and recreational) that may be applied to a particular river segment. Distinct segments along the designated reach may contain differing and non-overlapping classifications (wild, scenic, or recreational), e.g., a 100-mile wild and scenic river may be classified as wild for 50 miles, scenic for 30 miles, and recreational for 20 miles.

Easements on private lands acquired for the purposes of protecting wild and scenic rivers do not provide public access unless this right was specifically acquired from the private landowner. A trail or road easement by necessity would involve public use provisions. Any provisions for public use of private lands must be specifically purchased from the landowner.

Yes. The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act anticipates the need for occasional adjustment of the lateral (river corridor) boundary, directing that such amendment follow the same process as described for the initial boundary development in Sections 3(b) and (c) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act. The legally established river corridor might require amendment to better reflect protection of outstandingly remarkable values or as the result of identification of a new outstandingly remarkable value.

The Act (Public Law 90-542; 16 U.S.C. 1271-1287) was signed on October 2, 1968. It has been amended many times, primarily to designate additional rivers and authorize additional rivers for study for possible inclusion.

Eligibility findings are made as a part of a congressionally authorized study under Section 5(a), or pursuant to agency inventory and planning under Section 5(d)(1).  For Section 2(a)(ii) rivers, the National Park Service will make an eligibility determination under authority delegated by the Secretary of the Interior following application by the governor(s) for federal designation.

In many cases, there may be no practical effect. However, laws like the Wilderness Act do allow certain activities in designated wilderness which may be incompatible on a wild and scenic river, e.g., water resource developments if authorized by the President. In addition, wild and scenic river designation prohibits federal participation in, or assistance to, water resource developments upstream or downstream of a designated river (potentially outside the wilderness area) which may adversely affect the designated river segment. Agencies are required by policy and law to evaluate potential...

River access is evaluated in the land use planning process.  Specific access needs for public enjoyment, as well as any limitations, are determined in the river management plan.  In keeping with the requirements of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, “wild” rivers are generally inaccessible, except by trail (no roads); “scenic” rivers are accessible by road, which generally don’t parallel the river; and “recreational” rivers may have parallel or crossing road and railroad access.

No, not unless necessary to protect public safety, the river’s water quality, or other resource values. Recreational use of our nation’s rivers is increasing in both magnitude and extent, i.e., the types of recreational activities pursued and the technologies being used. Whether and how to restrict recreational use is a key issue in the planning process, which includes extensive local, regional, and national public involvement.

No. The public’s right to float a particular river does not change with designation. Neither does designation give river users the right to use, occupy, or cross private property without permission.

Section 16(c) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act defines a scenic easement as follows:

“Scenic easement” means the right to control the use of land (including the air space above such land) within the authorized boundaries of a component of the wild and scenic river system, for the purpose of protecting the natural qualities of a designated wild, scenic, or recreational river area, but such control shall not affect, without the owner’s consent, any regular use exercised prior to the acquisition of the easement.

While the Wild & Scenic Rivers...

The Wild & Scenic Rivers Act does not specifically mention aquatic or upland non-indigenous species. While non-indigenous species may be introduced—provided that doing so is not contrary to another law or the policy of the managing agency, and would not result in the degradation to the river’s values—the use of native species is generally preferred. Indirect impacts of introducing non-indigenous species, e.g., increasing recreational fishing, should also be considered. Additional guidance for a specific river is usually included in its management plan.

No. The United States determines the quantity necessary to protect flow-dependent outstandingly remarkable values.


Water law is a complex legal area, and water rights are a highly contentious issue. Whenever a water allocation issue arises, a river manager should consult with staff with water rights expertise and, as necessary, seek legal counsel.